Vital Essentials for Running a Successful eCommerce Site

Many small businesses are creating their first eCommerce sites to try and reach a larger number of consumers. However, some are unaware of how to target
the right customers. Below are a few concepts that are essential to your eCommerce success.

Create Consumer Relationships and Strategic Partnerships

Successful businesses will have customers that come back. The simplest
way to create relationships with customers is to integrate social media and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Facebook and Twitter are great tools to gain feedback instantly about issues users are having when placing orders, or opinions on products
they are purchasing. LinkedIn can let fellow customers know of any updates within the company or job openings. Fresh, relevant content is a key factor
in improving your search ranking. When people search for something, they may search for how to use a product. Your content should be based on what
your customer is looking for, and offer a solution to their questions.

Strategic partnerships with wholesalers, Internet marketing firms and shipping providers will streamline
operations and can promote your businesses even further. They can help you gain customers and help grow relationships with other businesses that your
customers may utilize.

Analyze Your Sales & Traffic

Logicblock allows Google Analytics code on your site to make tracking your sales and traffic
easier. Identify your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to see where you can improve. For example, if you notice that you
are getting a lot of traffic from Twitter, but your social strategy is heavily focused on Facebook, you can use the traffic information from Google
Analytics to adjust your social strategy accordingly.

Offer Quick and Efficient Checkouts

A seamless checkout experience is key to gaining loyal customers. Options such as Amazon Payments or PayPal will allow your customers to easily create purchases using the same login as other sites they visit. These checkout methods
can also ensure secure and reliable transactions and you can also apply to become
a Google Trusted Store.

Capitalize on Current Trends

Learn something new everyday about eCommerce trends. For example, making your site mobile matters because Google will favor your competitor’s site if theirs is mobile-friendly. Find out what social platforms your customers are flocking to, and which
ones they tend to avoid. You should also consider seasonal sales trends when planning content schedules and social posts to get the best results. Choosing
the right products to promote at the right time can make the difference in getting your site seen.