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If You are Not Retargeting Shoppers, You are Letting Another Online Seller Snag Your Customers

You would think most customers buy stuff from an online store the first time they visit it. After all, don’t you do the same? Hop on to a website you just heard about and go ahead and grab the item while you’re there?

More than likely, you absolutely do not do this, whether you were aware of it or not. The fact is only around 2% of first-visit customers will buy something from any website, including yours. The more likely scenario is they will check out the shop, leave, and potentially come back when they’ve looked around some more or perhaps acquired more wealth with which to buy stuff.

The trouble is how do you get these poor misguided souls back into your shop and keep them from wandering into someone else’s website? It’s called “retargeting” and you should be taking it very seriously.

Grab Their Attention While it Counts
Don’t just let that other 98% walk away (or click away) without offering some sort of follow-up to their visit! Make sure you have ample links for your Facebook page, Twitter account, Pinterest account, home phone number, Thanksgiving dinner invitation – something that will make them want to stay in touch with your company. If you don’t, they will leave forever!

Don’t make them search for your Facebook page link or whatever, either. Put it right up there at the top of the page or on a sidebar. Regular customers won’t mind, and anyone actively searching for that information will love you for making it so obvious. This increases their chances of sticking around tenfold.

However, your job doesn’t end there! After they’ve followed you on Twitter and Facebook you have to remind them what a great shop you have. Post deals and coupons luring them back to the shop. Again, don’t make them work for it – post links, send emails and generally stay top of mind with them!

Email Lists
Like in the outside world, customers like to shop around. Sometimes they’ll pick up a few items and put it in their basket “just in case.” When they leave a physical store they’re forced to make the decision to either abandon the basket or put everything back. Online, though, they simply just exit the website.

However, this gives you a chance to win them back. These empty shopping carts can also come with email addresses. Instead of just letting these customers go, assume they just forgot they had a shopping cart full of goodies (which is likely). Email them asking if they’d like to come back and complete the order. If you’re feeling giving, give them a coupon!

Seasonal Shoppers
Another large percentage of that 98% that came and never bought anything was the holiday shopper crowd. In fact, they may even be part of your 2% that actually bought an item upon their first visit. Either way, though, they haven’t been back since, as in their minds you’re a holiday store. You have to convince them otherwise.

This is the very definition of “retargeting” your shoppers as it’s almost a total rebranding of your store. At least, from the customer’s perspective it is. They think of your shop as one thing and you want them to imagine another so they will buy more stuff. If that isn’t rebranding then what is it?

So whether it’s on Facebook or through an email campaign, show the seasonal shoppers why they should come in even though it’s not the holidays. Figure out a focus for your sale or efforts before you start – for example, since customers think of you as a Christmas store, put up a “summer sale” to get their heads in the right place before they click over.

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