Improving Your Store, One Search at a Time 

In the 21st century customers expect access to your site no matter where they are or what device they are using. Take the next step from Just Accessible and make your ecommerce site the most engaging spot on the internet! Grant customers powerful search functionality that goes beyond finger tapping and into the realms of […]

Customization, Integration, and the Power of 7cart

Are you looking for an easy way to customize and integrate your website or online store with the best ecommerce tools available? Look no further than Logicblock and the power of our 7cart platform! With our easy-to-use customization and integration tools, you can create a unique online store that perfectly fits your business needs. Whether […]

Sustainability Through Ecommerce Segmentation

Catalog segmentation has become an increasingly important tool for online stores looking to promote sustainability and create a more enjoyable customer experience. By dividing products into categories and giving customers the ability to browse according to their interests and values, catalog segmentation can help online stores reach out to customers who care about sustainability while […]

Don’t Get Left Behind – Make the Switch Today! 

Set your calendar alerts! It’s time to say goodbye to third-party data and hello to GA4! Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest iteration of the most widely used web analytics platform, and with it come some major benefits. With GA4, you can get more accurate first-party data and gain insights into user behavior that […]

Create & Renovate FOR FREE With Logicblock’s Free Trial

For businesses like yours, change can be scary. Even a small change often involves risk and uncertainty, forcing companies to consider the potential impact on their sales, customer experience, and overall business operations. Time and resources required to implement change are major concerns, as any potential disruption to your business would be.  But with Logicblock, […]

Make the Most of Your Government Contracts with Logicblock Optimization

A good ecommerce site like yours is always looking for ways to cut costs and streamline processes, without sacrificing quality or accuracy. After all, the easier it is to make a sale, the more sales you can make in a day. General Services Administration (GSA) contracts are an invaluable resource for guaranteed prices, honest contracts, […]

Logicblock Makes Moving Day Easy with Data Migration Services 

There’s nothing more stressful than a big move. You spend days, weeks, and months planning for the transition, packing boxes, checking lists, switching utilities accounts from one address to another. What makes it most stressful is knowing that no matter how hard you try, something may get broken, left behind, misplaced, or forgotten entirely.  Changing […]

Social Media Opens Your Store to Everyone 

You’ve built a beautiful ecommerce site ready to deliver high-quality goods and excellent service to…who? You’ve thrown open the doors, but no one is coming through. Where is everybody?  The fact is, in 2023 you can’t expect customers to just come to your online store. You have to go to them and meet them where […]

Does This Sound Familiar? 

In Ye Olden Times, a buyer would create a purchase order, print it out, and then mail, fax, or carrier pigeon it to their supplier. The supplier would read the PO and carefully re-enter the data into their internal systems and create an invoice. The invoice is printed out, faxed or sent back to the […]

Unlock the Power of Mobile 

Chances are you’re reading this blog on the single most powerful marketing tool your business has: a smartphone or mobile device. Mobile marketing and ecommerce trends are emerging and growing faster than viral dance videos, with innovation guaranteed to make it easier than ever for you to reach new eyes while retaining loyal customers.   Let’s […]