Egyptian Workspace Partners

Customer Showcase Screenshots

Last updated: September 24, 2023

In May 2022, Egyptian Workspace Partners, initially rooted in the Microsoft Dynamics platform, approached Logicblock to explore an enhanced eCommerce experience. During their trial period, we managed a seamless migration from their existing platform.

Leveraging our newly forged partnership with Business Solution Partners, Egyptian Workspace Partners unveiled in December 2022. Our collaboration manifested in the following offerings:

  • Migration: Smooth transition from Microsoft Dynamics during trial phase.
  • Custom Design: A fresh, unique website layout tailor-made for their brand.
  • NetSuite Integration: A robust order, inventory, and accounting system seamlessly integrated.
  • Wholesaler Connections: Established connections with over 5 distinct wholesalers.
  • SEO-Optimized Website: Ensured a web presence on their domain that’s primed for visibility.

The synergy between Egyptian Workspace Partners and Logicblock is a testament to what modern eCommerce partnerships can achieve.

Launch Date: March 2023.

Egyptian Workspace Partners – About Us

Our region of Southern Illinois has been known as “Little Egypt” for hundreds of years. The nickname has a couple origin stories: one referencing the historic grain trade between southern and northern Illinois, and another, the intersecting rivers of the region. At Egyptian, we just know that Belleville, IL is our home. We are proud of this location that allows us to provide the best service in business products and interiors to the entire St. Louis region and beyond

Case Study

Read the case study of GoEgyptian published in Independent Dealer magazine.

Read Case Study